As you can imagine, most participants who are involved with mediation expect complete confidentiality, so are reticent about testimonials being published. Here are a few that happily gave their permission.
"I don't know how you did it, and I don’t need to know, but it's amazing the difference. They sat and had a coffee together this morning..."
— Commercial Mediation - Large Industrial Manufacturer
"We all enjoyed the training session and have already put the techniques learned into practise within our organisation."
— Mediation Training - South Yorkshire college
"Our senior team weren't sure what to expect from mediation, so we were extremely satisfied with the positive outcomes, which are ongoing. We would certainly recommend Steve as a skilled mediator; he has a calming approach that diffuses tense situations."
— Commercial Mediation - West Yorkshire organisation
While I cannot be more specific about my clients, I can say that I've conducted high level mediations involving a well-respected political party, a national charity, local business organisations and large educational institutions.